Friday 18 September 2015

Nobody tells you how hard it is!

Today's blog is less about transformational strategies and more about encouraging all the mums out there like myself doing the best they can, but surprised about all the hard work that is involved in being a parent.  My husband has this philosophy that the only difficult stage of parenting is raising teenagers.   I disagree I think every age, has it's difficulties and issues, whether it be babies, preschoolers, infant or juniors, pre-teenagers and teens.  You have probably found the same and may even find yourself bemoaning, "Nobody told me how hard it was before I had children!", a friend who has 6 year old twins and I recently had this discussion. No, they never do.

I have a 2 and almost 6 year old and they both have the capacity to fill your heart with warmth at times or leave you tearing your hair out and shouting. I am sure you have found the same, but I am sure you don't ever shout.   Mums with older children and far more wisdom than me, have suggested that shouting is a waste of my energy and time; maybe deep down inside I know they are right, but sometimes it's frustrating when I talk to my children and they just completely ignore me. Additionally, they are boys and I have been told that it's a masculine thing. Not sure if that is true or not. So let's be honest with each other, motherhood is hard, I am sure sometimes, you find it hard too. Nevertheless, strangers may look at your children with judgement and disdaint, I have had strangers ask me if my child was on a tag because, he was playing with a metal chain near the bus stop. I was like really, really now do you want me to forget the educational training I have had and dignify that with an answer. I guess you can tell I wasn't very happy that day, and I am not sure how you would have responded?

For mums dealing their children, it is not easy, being a parent doesn't come with a manual and nobody told you how hard it would be, but I just wanted to let you know that you are the most amazing mum ever. You are doing an awesome job, your kids value you completely and you are raising dynamic and individuals that will make an impact on the society around themselves. Don't be so hard on yourself, value and celebrate your achievements and most importantly don't judge yourself by the standards of others. You have no idea what is going on in the other person's life.

Finally I salute all the mothers reading this post, you are marvellous and be proud of your achievements.

Be blessed to be a blessing!

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