Tuesday, 15 September 2015

40s and loving it!

I have recently joined a 40+ group on facebook and have also been talking to some friends who are either almost 40 or in their 40s. The mixed responses from these women have been insightful and varied. I am sure if you are over 35, you may have found the same. You may have friends who are in their 30s, who face the thought of turning 40, with fear and upset; complaining that they are getting old. I think your only as old as you feel, how old do you feel today? Don't get me wrong, we all have days when we feel tired, but I don't think 40 is as old as it was, when you were a child and those over 35 were referred to, as middle-aged.

Some women respond to turning 40 with amazing midlife transitions, they train for a marathon, travel the world, decide to have children or decide to change their careers. Are you one of these women? Or would you like to be?

My friend and I were discussing the wisdom of 40. The conversation went something like this. "In your twenties you are trying to work out who you are. In your thirties, you've grown up and are establishing who you are. By the forties you've fallen in love with who you are, and your pretty secure in yourself".

I love being over 40 and I am sure you feel the same, for me the saying that life begins at 40 is so true. I am sure the same is true for many of you? If it isn't for you then, there is still time for change. 40 has a vitality and freedom from the opinion of others that was not always so clear in our earlier years. You are old enough to have a level of wisdom that wasn't there in your 20s, yet young enough to take on new challenges and transform your life, into the life you desire.

Be blessed to be a blessing

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