Monday, 11 May 2015

Be still and remove the constant chatter from our lives!

By Michele Scott-Akanbi

God has impressed a number of things upon me with week during my morning rituals or routines.  The one I am going to tackle or address here is that as children of the Most High, it is important, no imperative and essential that we “be still” as the bible says in Psalm 46:10 21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted on the earth.  Some may suggest that when they go on a retreat, they will be still or when they go away with their girlfriends or husband for a weekend away or a spa break.  Whilst these retreats and breaks are all well and good and supportive in allowing one to rejuvenate, relax and refresh oneself.  I am not knocking them, nor am I saying don’t have one, please do.  However, in your personal growth and spiritual development in the Most High, you cannot wait till a once a year trip.  The time for being still is not next week, next year or next month; it is now and please realise that I share this with you my brother and sisters as much as I share this with myself.

It is now, so commonplace and normalised to be caught up in the busyness that has become our lives in the 21st century.  To pray, to read our devotionals, to read the scriptures; to fast and to worship; spending time with God has almost become like a fast food restaurant.  We never ever, truly be still in his presence. 

He wants and desires that stillness for us, where we soak up the presence and the aura of the Anointed One, just like we just lie there and soak when we are having some quiet time for ourselves in a luxurious and relaxing bath, with scented candles and soft relaxing music in our decadent bathroom.  Set some regular time aside each day, or week or at least twice a month to soak and bask in the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Allow it to be just you and him, with no distractions, banish the children and your husbands to another part of the house or the park.  Turn your phone off, turn the TV off and sit in silence.  You don’t need to talk, you don’t need to pray, you don’t need to sing; you don’t need to do anything.  Just sit silently and stilly at his feet, just waiting in excited expectation to receive something from him. You may find it uncomfortable and even silly sat first to just sit there, but try it, sit it out, wait it out, keep coming back to you hear from the Lord, don’t worry he will show up for you.  If you really must then maybe have some praise and worship music playing softly in the background, but that’s it.  Keep a journal and pen beside you, to note that what he has share with you, you never know who else needs to hear his words too.

Enter into his throne room, glory at his omnipotent and omniscience.  If it helps meditate on a particular scripture, or one of his names or the phrase Hallelujah or softly sing a worship song to yourself.  Even if you hear nothing initially, keep coming back to your quiet still time, he is longing to share his presence with you, his banner over you is his love.  He wants to enter your chamber, your heart, your mind, he wants you to be still before him, so you can re-connect with his greatness and experience the awesome transformational power of the Almighty one.  You have no idea what the Lord would like to share with you in the stillness of the moment.  So please allow him with to fellowship with you this week, you will be surprised at how much you need it and how empowering it will be for you.  Remember your strength will rise as you wait upon the Lord.

Be still and remove the constant chatter from our lives, if you are anything like me you are always on the go and even when you are not doing something, you have 50 million thoughts racing through your mind, dinner, students, the children etc… let it go for a little while and focus on the source of your life and your salvation.  These things are not as important as we think, give them a rest for a little while and give God the place he deserves in your life.  I share these thoughts with myself as well as you.

Be blessed to be a blessing, IJN.

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